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2225 & 2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON

Project Profile

Atria II & III - 2007 Parking Garage Repairs

Project Date: Mid July 2007– October 2007

Project Location: 2225 & 2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON

Project Owner: 1666500 Ontario Inc. and Dorsay Development
c/o Epic Realty Partners Inc.

Project Consultants:
Halcrow Yolles
Mr. Mohsen Monsouri, P. Eng.
207 Queen’s Quay Terminal, Suite 550
Toronto, Ontario M5J 1A1            
Tel. 416-363-8123                    
Fax  416-363-0341

Project Description

Atria II & III - 2007 Parking Garage Repairs

In Mid July 2007 Albatech Building Restoration Inc. started 2007- Atria II & III Parking Garage Rehabilitation Program.


The Parking garage at 2225 and 2235 Sheppard Avenue East is a 2 level underground structure with one suspended level and one on grade parking level located directly below the two 17 storey high-rise commercial office buildings incorporating retail and office occupancies constructed in circa 1987 (Atria II) and 1990 (Atria III). The total area of this garage is approximately 488,600 square feet, of which 254,845 square feet is suspended slab. The parking garage extends out past the building above creating a podium deck/garage roof slab above. The structural system of this garage is cast-in-place reinforced concrete construction. The suspended slab is a 2-way slab, approximately 12” thick with drop panels  supported by a combination of columns, foundation walls and shear walls. Access to the garage is from the entrance/exit on the east end of the garage.


The project was performed working at night time and weekends


The 2007 project started with the mobilization, installation of hoarding, dust protection and set up of the site and generally involved:


·        Removal of existing moisture protection system and concrete topping at the exterior ramp at the southeast corner of the Atria II portion of the garage. 

     Concrete repairs at the top surface of the ramp on grade area (150 square feet), localized structural suspended ramp slab replacement (approximately 1000 square feet) including structural support of existing wall, cutomized forming and protection of parking garage mechanical rooms. Installation of new 2-ply hot rubberized asphalt waterproofing and new asphalt at top side of the ramp.

·        Removal of existing concrete curbs, moisture protection system, asphalt and granular materials at the exterior walk way at the podium deck at the west side of P1 Level of Atria III (tennis court area).Concrete repairs. Podium deck drains replacement (6 pcs). Installation of new 2-ply hot rubberized asphalt waterproofing with upturns, granular materials and asphalt (approximate area- 200 lineal feet x 4 lineal feet).

·        Localized removal of existing concrete curbs, moisture protection system, asphalt and granular materials at the exterior at the south side of the Atria III. Localized concrete repairs..Installation of new 2-ply hot rubberized asphalt waterproofing with downturns, granular materials and asphalt (approximate area 300 square feet).

·       Replacement of existing drains in the suspended parking level at interior of the garage at Atria III including removal and installation of new thin-waterproofing system (9 pcs).