7270-7290 Torbram & 2405-2421 Drew Rd. Toronto, ON
Project Profile
2007 Asphalt Paving Rehabilitation
Project Date: November 2007– Present
Project Location: 7270-7290 Torbram & 2405-2421 Drew Rd, Mississauga, ON
Project Owner: Colliers International
Project Consultants: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Mr. Jeremy Horst 500-144 Front Street W. Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L7 Tel. 416-977-5335 Fax 416-977-1427
Project Description
2007 Asphalt Paving Rehabilitation
In November 2007 Albatech Building Restoration Inc. started 7270-7920 Torbram Road and 2405-2421 Drew Road -2007 Asphalt Paving Rehabilitation.
The buildings at 7270-7920 Torbram Road and 2405-2421 Drew Road are single storey industrial and commercial buildings located in Mississauga, Ontario. The structural system of these buildings is steel and concrete block construction with a clay brick veneer. The buildings located on a rectangular shaped lot with soft landscaping (i.e. sod, trees and shrubs) along its frontage on its east and south sides and hard landscaping on the north and west sides. The hard landscaping primarily consists of asphalt paving which services as the driving surface for the tenant and visitor parking areas as well as the driving surface for the loading dock bays. In addition, the hard landscaping includes interlocking stone pedestrian walkways, concrete sidewalks and curbing.
The 2007- project started with the mobilization, installation of hoarding, dust protection and set up of the site and generally involves:
2007 - Phase 1
- Removal of existing asphalt pavement and sub-grade material (approximately 72,500 square feet).
- Localized replacement of deteriorated concrete curbing throughout the site.
- Localized installation of corrugated flexible weeping tile system.
- Compaction of existing remaining sub-grade material. Installation of new granular material and new asphalt paving.
2008 - Phase 2
- Removal of existing asphalt pavement and sub-grade material (approximately 90,000 square feet).
- Localized replacement of deteriorated concrete curbing throughout the site.
- Compaction of existing remaining sub-grade material. Installation of new granular material and new asphalt paving.
The project currently in progress and has been stopped due to unstable cold winter weather conditions.